Wednesday, October 1, 2008

KISS Advertising by Bill Kirkpatrick

Many people I talk to make advertising out to be something more complicated than it really needs to be. As with most things in life it's just not. I mean we are not talking about Rocket Science here are we? Definitely not!

"K.I.S.S. Advertising" is my way of explaining the "Keep It Simple Stupid" principles of advertising and how anyone can use them to help get their business or website noticed and how to do this as inexpensively as possible. When you keep things simple you in turn learn how to save time, money, and frustration.

The three simple ways of advertising I am going to touch on here are article marketing, email campaigns, and traffic engines. All three of these can be done at no cost to you and each one can be accomplished by keeping things simple.

1. Article Marketing - This is by far the best free way to deliver your advertising. Writing articles and submitting them to article directories should be a part of every person's marketing efforts. The biggest problem that people tend to have with writing, however, is not having a logical, simple approach.

The best types of articles are those that focus on "How To" information. After you have decided on a niche subject, break it down into smaller parts to make sure you've covered everything:

First - State the problem.
Second - Give some information on how to resolve or overcome the issue. Be as precise as you feel is needed. Third - Be interesting and informative.

In doing this, and repeating your efforts frequently, you will develop a collection of articles, which can become quite substantial if you are adding one to two articles per day. Submitting these articles will increase your quality traffic to your website and in turn increase your sales.

2. Email Campaigns - Another very important way to get your information or your product out to your consumers is through a well thought out, yet simple email.

What better way to reach all the people who have already shown an interest by opting in to your email list than by giving them a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly update on whatever it is you have to offer. Again if you can provide a simple "How to" do something in your email then this will definitely give you more return customers, which is what we all want.

The main key to remember with any email campaign is to avoid spamming at all costs.

3. Traffic Exchanges - Basically, these free ways of getting traffic to your website are useful to the point of getting the number of daily clicks to your site a little higher. They are not always the most beneficial in terms of quality traffic, however, some do offer more than others. I have found that the ones which require other members to review your site, make a posting on a forum, and view some of the other members' sites can actually improve your page ranking on the Search Engines.

Try all three simple approaches to advertising and enjoy the rewards that you will achieve.

Bill Kirkpatrick assists people with finding the best web host, offering software solutions, and helping with advertising. He always strives to keep things simple. Check out what he can do for you:

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